The foundation will soon have new offices
The land for the Foundation The Ship Sørlandet's new offices

The foundation will soon have new offices

In connection with the premises that the Foundation The Ship Sørlandet will be converted into a transfomator station, we will move to Pier 6. There will be a temporary office solution close to the quay that the school ship Sørlandet uses when she is at home. - We expect to move in before Christmas," says Knut Arne Gjertsen, Director of the Foundation.

The office is getting ever closer to the training ship's home port

It has been a long process since the Foundation moved out of its premises in Kirkegaten. In May 2021, the new offices opposite Parko were taken into use together with The Ship Sørlandet Friends and The Ship Sørlandets Shantykor. There was a short stay before the work of planning new offices on the quay. There was a temporary office solution in a new barracks building, but the administration continues to work on refurbishing Pier 6 and "sjeddet" - both are the last of their kind in Kristiansand.

- We hope that in this way we can highlight the city's jewel more in the cityscape through activities and other things, even though the school ship is on its annual long trip with the students from A+ World Academy , says Knut Arne Gjertsen.

Photo: The foundation The Ship Sørlandet

The work started this week

Following approval from Kristiansand municipality and Kristiansand Harbour, work on the site and preparations have started well. It has been a good collaboration with both of them. Here the foundations are laid for connection to water, drainage, Internet and electricity to the offices. An important prerequisite is then in place. The barrack rig will be delivered and installed before 9 December.

For a period, it turned out that the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority had some objections which the administration is happy to have finally put in place.

The plan further

The coming weeks will be spent packing and cleaning the offices. The week of 12 to 16 December will be used for the final finishing touches in the offices and the final moving day is set for 15 December.

The foundation will retain telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and post boxes as before. But the office address will now be Havnegata 23, 4611 Kristiansand.

Map of the area.

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