
Statutes for Fullriggeren Sørlandet Foundation

§ 1 Creation and seat

The foundation The Ship Sørlandet is an independent foundation established by Kristiansand municipality. It will have its seat in Kristiansand.

Section 2 Purpose

The foundation's purpose is to own, preserve and operate The Ship Sørlandet . The ship is to be preserved as far as possible through active use, primarily for measures that can serve and strengthen interest in Norwegian sailing ship tradition and Norwegian shipping. Among other things, it can be used for the following purposes:

Teaching programmes aimed at providing people of all ages, with priority on youth, traditional ship experiences and an introduction to general maritime activities.

Other educational and educational purposes.

Participation in victories, preferably in connection with projects in sections 1 and 2 above.

Rental missions that promote interest in Norwegian sailing ship tradition.

§ 3 Foundation's basic capital

The foundation's basic capital is the ship that has a book value of NOK 6 000 000,-.

§ 4 The Foundation's governing bodies

The foundation's governing bodies are the board and the council.

§ 5 The Board of Directors of the Foundation

1. The Foundation is led by a board of directors with 6 – 9 members.

2. Board composition

The following should have a permanent seat on the handlebars:

  • One member appointed by the board of Fullriggerens Sørlandets Venneforening, with a deputy member appointed by the board of The Ship Sørlandet's Friends Association. The Association of Friends determines the term of office of its member and deputy member.
  • Personal board member Kristian Skjelbred-Knudsen, with personal deputy Andreas Skjelbred-Knudsen.

The Chairman of the Board and other board members are appointed by the Council, the Board of Directors chooses its deputy chairman.

The council may appoint the board members appointed by the council.

The board members are elected for a period of 2 years, calculated from 1 January every two years.

3. Decision-making

The Board of Directors is able to make decisions when at least half of the board members are present, cf. section 7.

The Foundation is obliged by the signature of the overall board of directors

The Board may authorise the administration in ongoing and curated matters related to the operation of the ship.

4. The Board of Directors hires the general manager and determines its pay and working conditions.

5. Honoring

The board's honour is determined by the Council.

Section 6 Council

The tasks of the Council assembly are to elect the chairman and board members (cf. § 5), as well as to determine the board's remuneration. The Council shall further elect the auditor. The Council shall also make a statement on the annual accounts and the annual report.

The Council shall have up to 12 representatives.

Permanent representatives are:

  • The mayor of Kristiansand, who is also the leader of the council.
  • A politician from Kristiansand municipality
  • County Mayor of Agder
  • A politician from Agder county municipality
  • The mayor of Arendal
  • The Harbour Director in Kristiansand
  • A representative appointed by the Association of Trade Unions in Kristiansand

The Council may appoint up to 5 representatives on a free basis. These representatives are elected for a period of 4 years from the time of appointment. The election takes place with a 3/4 majority of council members.

The council shall hold at least 2 meetings each year, and otherwise so often the chairman, board or at least three of its members require it.

The notice of the council shall be in writing with at least 14 days' notice to the members. The notice indicates the cases to be processed. Matters that a member wishes to promote specifically must be notified to the board within a week before the meeting is held. The Council shall also be informed in writing of such additional cases.

Over the negotiations, protocol is being signed by the chairman of the meeting and two other persons appointed by the council assembly among those present.

§ 7 Limitations on the right to dispose of the ship

A decision to lease or defray the ship for a longer period of more than 1 – one – year requires the board's approval with a 3/4 majority.

The disposal and sale of the ship can only be done with the consent of Kristiansand municipality and the Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs.

Section 8 Transformation

If it is no longer possible to fulfil the purpose of the foundation, the Board shall apply to the Lottery and Foundation Authority for access to convert the foundation so that it can serve as a related purpose with the original as possible.

Kristiansand 5.12.2020