
Ministry of Culture

The Ministries of Culture have annually contributed support to The Ship Sørlandet since the Foundation was established in 1981. 2015 is a landmark year in that more predictable framework conditions have been established, with the State's share now accounting for 70% of the annual operating grants, while the region accounts for the other 30%. In connection with the Covi-19 pandemic that broke out in 2020, KUD has contributed a further 15 million to repairs and maintenance of the barge.

Kristiansand Municipality

In a transition period where the Foundation works purposefully to ensure necessary earnings in a challenging market, Kristiansand municipality has provided an extraordinary and necessary financial support in 2015. In addition to the fact that the politicians Kristiansand municipality has decided to allocate 50% of the split between Stat and region, the municipality has also converted 4 MNOK into a responsible loan and a further 1.5 MNOK in operating grants. In connection with the Covi-19 pandemic that erupted in 2020, the municipality has decided to contribute to repairs and maintenance with an additional 2.5 million per year for three years.

Agder County Municipality

In 2015, the county council decided that the county municipality will contribute a 50% share of the total regional operating grants, In addition, the county municipality has allocated 1.5 MNOK as an extraordinary operating grant for 2015. In connection with the Covi-19 pandemic that erupted in 2020, the municipality has decided to contribute to repairs and maintenance with an additional 2.5 million per year for three years.

Uni Foundation

With its background in non-life insurance, the foundation has been particularly engaged in damage prevention activities. The damage may apply to people or material values. The contributions from the foundation have contributed to the protection of life and the ship through financial support for a number of important procurements – including safety and navigation equipment.

AKO Foundation

The AKO Foundation has given NOK 6.9 million to the development of an even better school and 3.1 million who will go to scholarships for foreign talented young people who will not otherwise be able to afford to attend our school. Sailing around the world with the A+ World Academy has enabled year-round operation of Southern Norway's jewellery, and the support of the AKO Foundation also contributes to the preservation of the world's oldest sailing cultural heritage.

The Ship Friends of the South

For many years, the association FullriggerenSørlandets Venner has been invaluable support for the preservation of The Ship Sørlandet . Thousands of volunteer hours and large financial contributions over many years - most recently 2.5 million in grants and 200,000 for scholarships for A+ students in 2020 alone.

Viking Supply Ships

MORE THAN A SHIPOWNER Our vision is to be the preferred partner in polar and harsh environments, delivering safe, effective and sustainable operations by combining our expertise with tailored vessels.

Bredalsholmen dokk og fartøyvernsenter

Kristiansand's local vessel protection centre for steel ships provides counselling, outstanding expertise and enthusiasm, while the main supplier of riveting expertise on the hull.

Kristiansand Harbour KF

Thanks to our home port which contributes free port space for Sørlandet and many different useful services.


In 2015, Gard took over responsibility for Skuta's most important insurances; Hull & Machinery, P&I and Total loss. The board extends a special thank you to Gard, which has reduced the insurance premiums by approximately NOK 500,000. This support is an important contribution in our endeavor to The Ship Sørlandet can still function as a sailing cultural monument.

Jotun - Wikipedia

Sørlandet represents Norway at home and abroad. Our crew is proud that the schooner can always present itself as a good ambassador for maritime Norway. Jotun provides all necessary paint products free of charge. It is with pride that we always raise the JOTUN flag in foreign ports.


Since 2012, DNV-GL has contributed half the price of work associated with the ship's statutory classifications. We would like to thank you for valuable assistance from the station in Kristiansand in connection with the ongoing extensive 5-year classification.

Kongsberg Maritime

Thanks to Kongsberg Maritime who have contributed good conditions and important expertise in the acquisition of a new electric board and management systems. The board is also prepared for the development necessary when introducing hybrid operation.

Global Ocean Tecnology

Thank you to GOT for contributing with a lot of good expertise and as a partner in the build-up of Sørlandet .

LaSa Marine Service AS

Many thanks to La-Sa Båt og Motor and Volvo Penta who have contributed discounted machines to the new engine room at Sørlandet . Main engine and two auxiliary engines/generators.

Norwegian Maritime Directorate

As benevolent, all certification costs are waived at home and abroad. The Foundation will also pay a special thank you for good advice and all the help from the staff at the Norwegian Maritime Directorate's station in Kristiansand.

Christiania Sailing Club

Christiania Seilskuteklubb aims to apply for the survivors of all interest from the sailing ship era, as well as to seek contact with and support sailing ships, associations and institutions with the same purpose. The Foundation would like to thank you for the assistance that Christiania Seilskuteklubb provides through scholarships to students at the A+ World Academy.

These companies have contributed with discounts or favorable terms, each of which has contributed to making it possible to operate The Ship Sørlandet :

Mandals AS, Slettebø, Tero Marine, Ahlsell, Viking Life Saving Equipment, Telenor Maritime, Ulmatech Pyro, Jets, GEA lensevannseparator, Marinefloc, Globetech, OSM, Tarpon sails, TK plates, Dåfjorden Slipp, Søgne Electric, Egeland pipes, Agder Ventilation, HMI, Loland, Storesund Marine