The full-rigger Sørlandet to the sail-ship port Kleven in Mandal
Good media coverage when the school ship Sørlandet arrived in Kleven on the last and perhaps warmest day in July.
NRK Radio, NRK TV, Fædrelandsvennen and Lindesnes newspaper covered the arrival. Mandal Wooden Boat Association met " Sørlandet " at Ryvingen lighthouse and followed her in to Kleven. There is little doubt that the mandalites appreciated the visit. The barge will remain there for about 2 weeks so that various local and regional suppliers can take a closer look at the barge and plan the maintenance work that will continue throughout the autumn and winter See links to the media reports in the article.
- Interview on NRK Sørlandet at 8: (1:52:10 into the broadcast)
- Interview the Friend of the Fatherland upon arrival in Kleven: The Ship -paa-eu-control-in-historic-haven The article is behind a paywall.
- Interview and tour with Lindesnes Avis upon arrival in Kleven: The Ship -soerlandet-arrived-mandal-I-was-on-a-sailing-course-on-the-boat . The article is behind a paywall.
- The news on TV: