Follow the renovation of the school ship Sørlandet summer 2024 - week 7
The new main deck on the school ship Sørlandet comes into place

Follow the renovation of the school ship Sørlandet summer 2024 - week 7

Sørlandet is at the "Bredalsholmen dokk og fartøyvernsenter" shipyard in Kristiansand and will undergo repairs to the hull, get a new main deck, overhaul the rig, and much more. The shipyard period is scheduled to last from May 20, 2024 to August 25, 2024. The new school year on board begins on August 31, 2024, by which time the ship must be ready. The project is estimated to cost between NOK 32 million and NOK 34 million, depending on whether there are any works that have not been included in the plans. The work is necessary to renew the sailing permits for another five years and be one of the main attractions during Tall Ships Races Kristiansand 2025. See pictures at the bottom of the page.

Below is the weekly report for the past week. We publish the development of the project weekly as it progresses.

There is still good progress on all critical jobs.

All new steel plates on the port side have been installed. The area from aft bulkhead to frame #38 has been riveted, "diked" and leak tested. All ok. Final riveting of the remaining plates on the port side is expected to be completed at the beginning of week 8. The crew has painted the new and leak-tested plates on the inside, ready for interior work in the banjer starting 08.07.24.

The port side shipyard crane is back in operation. The starboard crane is expected to be back in operation 08.07.2024.

Progress on laying the new main deck is good. Approximately 50-60% of the new deck planks have been installed. However, the timber supplier is reportedly somewhat delayed with the final delivery of materials (approx. 1 week), but this is not expected to delay progress as we still have sufficient materials on site. Recovery of the forecastle and poop deck is complete. sanding of the decks is ongoing.

Asbestos inspection was carried out on 04.07.2024 by a representative from Recover. No areas of concern found during the inspection, but awaiting test results from samples taken.

The rig project is progressing well. A delayed wire finally arrived and is now being prepared.

The anchor crane and various deck fittings have been sent for sandblasting and painting.

HMI is making good progress in renovating the bathrooms in AB cabins forward and the captain's bathroom.

Søgne Elektriske is investigating a number of earth faults. It is currently difficult to estimate the total time required and therefore some additional costs can be expected.

The atmosphere at the yard is still very good. BDF arranged a social evening on 05.07.2024 for all employees, Sørlandet crew/volunteers and subcontractors.

Many thanks to Sparebanken Sør, Agder County Council and Kristiansand Municipality for the local support that makes this possible. We would also like to thank Gard, DNV and Jotun for providing good conditions for the world's oldest fully operational full rigger.

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