Follow the renovation of The Ship Sørlandet summer 2024 - week 11
The last hull plate is in place. Now the riveting remains.

Follow the renovation of The Ship Sørlandet summer 2024 - week 11

The school ship Sørlandet is at the "Bredalsholmen dokk og fartøyvernsenter" (BDF) shipyard in Kristiansand and will undergo hull repairs, get a new main deck, overhaul the rig, and much more. The shipyard period is scheduled to last from May 20, 2024 to August 25, 2024. The new school year on board begins on August 31, 2024, by which time the ship must be ready. The project is estimated to cost between NOK 32 million and NOK 34 million, depending on whether there are any works that have not been included in the plans. These works are necessary to renew the sailing permits for five more years and be ready to be one of the main attractions during Tall Ships Races Kristiansand 2025. See pictures at the bottom of the page.

Good progress again this week. The weather has been dry and fine. It suited us well.

The anchors were re-inspected by DVN after the second round with sanding and were not approved. New identical anchors have been found and will be purchased.

HFS (Hardanger Fartøyvern Senter) is putting the finishing touches to the main deck. sanding has been carried out, and the new deck has received two coats of linseed oil. Bollards and eye bolts are back in place on all decks.

Port banjer deck has been sanded and given 4 coats of varnish over the weekend.

The last hull plate is now in place and riveting is in progress on both banjer and the ballast deck.

HMI finished with "rupanel" and wall panel in banjer pantry. Dtte made to G6 hull plate (2/3 of starboard ship side).

Forward cabins finished with new bathrooms and new roof in place. A/C pipes, electrical and paint remain.

We have started to remove the tent. The tent above the decks fore and aft has been removed. The rest will be dismantled next week.

No items found.

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